​Garmin launches new fitness features for Fenix 6

Garmin has launched a lot of new fitness features for its leading sports watches, with attention on performance investigation.

The new update will land for Fenix 6, Enduro and Marq watches, which are the top of the Garmin sports watch hierarchy. Parts of the update have effectively moved onto the Forerunner range, and different elements were appeared on the magnificent Garmin Venu 2 smartwatch recently.

The first new feature to drop is rate of Perceived exertion (RPE), which empowers you to log how hard an exercise felt – besides the physiological impacts that are recorded by the heart rate monitor.

This isn’t simply puff being added to your details. RPE is an appropriate metric used by elite runners, and it can help you train smarter. Active recuperation days mean working out at a low RPE, so this is a decent method of logging when you were taking your foot off the gas within Garmin Connect.

Contrasting RPE with your heart rate can offer additionally experiences into your developing fitness and readiness.

Also, expansions in saw effort – a run or workout that felt hard – ought to be registered in your heart rate information with a higher bpm.

Enhancements to intensity minutes and the precision of detection have additionally been carried out – which will assist clients with guaranteeing they’re getting the WHO-advised 150 mins regarding exercise each week.

Furthermore, the fitness age feature, likewise part of Venu 2, has been carried out to Fenix, Enduro and Marq as well.

Fitness age metric will likewise go over to these two gadgets, which will assess the fitness and preparation of your body contrasted and average ages.

This is a motivating metric, and you can consider the to be decline as you get fitter.

At long last, Garmin is additionally pushing the new Connect application for gathering Challenges and Badges, which was appeared recently.

Everyone’s attention is on a launch of the Fenix 7 – however it’s acceptable that current clients of Garmin’s top end sports watches are as yet getting new features.

Raeesa Sayyad: