5 Awesome Things You Can Learn By Studying “Credit Junkie: Live it. Love it. Breathe it”

This book will benefit those who wish to improve and maintain their credit. In this book, Rico Suarez offers many useful tips, including how to obtain your credit report and understand what’s on it, how to check your credit report for errors, how to clean up your credit, the importance of monitoring your credit report, and how to live within your means.

It dominates your life to have a good credit score. Credit scores determine how what, and when you purchase. Your life is ruled by one number, yet few know what goes into a credit report or how it can be used best to help them get ahead.

This book examines what a credit report is, what goes into it, and how to spot inaccurate information. It’s a must-read guide for anyone who wants to take charge of their financial future!

The following topics will be discussed inside:

  • Types of Credit Mistakes
  • Contacting Credit Bureaus
  • Monitoring Your Credit Report
  • Tips For Increasing Your Score
  • The list goes on and on.

Credit Junkie: Live it. Love it. Breathe it. You have been waiting for this book. Keeping your credit in good standing is imperative. It is not only used to determine your assets but also to allow mortgage lenders, banks, car dealerships, and credit card companies to determine whether they will approve your next major purchase.

Between 350 and 800 are considered good credit scores. As your score increases, your opportunities increase. Then more lenders will be willing to work with you if you can demonstrate that you are a good credit risk. The possibilities are endless. Taking control of your credit report will help you build toward those major purchases that will define who you are and where your life will lead.

Are you aware of what’s on your credit report?

Are you at risk of having a bad credit rating?

Are you willing to take control of it now and keep it there?

The ability to obtain credit can be both a blessing and a curse. Modern life would be impossible if you did not have it; on the other hand, if you let it run unchecked, you may find yourself in a dire financial situation for years to come. The answer is to stay on top of it, but that can be easier said than done.

Credit Junkie: Love It, Live It, Breathe offers tips and advice on how to get your credit under control and keep it that way.

-How to access your report and what’s in it

-Checking for mistakes in your report

-Tips for cleaning up your credit report

-Monitoring your report is crucial

-Use credit but don’t overdo it

-Maintaining a budget

-Plus many more.

By allowing your credit usage to get out of control, you may find yourself in a mess, paying back way more in interest than is necessary and taking years to pay off the debts. Furthermore, you can harm your credit score, making it harder to find good deals when you need to make a huge purchase in the future. Learn how to live with and love your credit score with Credit Junkie and beat the credit trap.

You can follow Rico Suarez on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest @4realrico

To know more about Rico check out www.ricogoods.com And www.ricoresources.com

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