Meet the DJ: Michael Insigno
- Entertainment
- January 31, 2020
Michael Insigno, aka Emicii, is one of the coolest names in the panorama of the dance music for many years. In these years of career, Emicii has done everything: he has produced many remixes and original productions who became big hits. Today we asked him to share some tips with us on how to make success in this field.
This is the context in which most producers and DJs find themselves in difficulty. The newbie makes a classic mistake which is to see the competition in the other DJ and not an opportunity for further engagements. But let us examine some basic rules to follow in the console, shared from the international Producer Emicii:
- Take at least 10 to 30 minutes to check the necessary. Inform the colleague when we will get in the way. Tell him that you are only preparing things in advance, but there is no hurry for him. Take advantage of times when your DJ colleague is not mixing to perform small operations, but do not disturb him in any way.
- Never prepare your equipment during the performance of the other DJ. Performing the setup during the work of the colleague can generate a lot of tension in the console and leave the colleague kind of angry at us.
- If it is not possible to perform the preparatory sound check, bring a short mixed cd to mix the last track of the disc jockey that precedes us. After, run the setup while the mixed cd is playing and, in any case, only after the colleague has left the console!