Lockdown Story Time: Film director Alois Nashali Talks About His Recent CoronaVirus Diagnosis
- Entertainment
- June 17, 2020
Independent film director and cinematographer Alois Nashali, whose Full name is Alois Mulinda Nashali, currently doing his work in Ottawa, Canada, was one of the earliest people to test positive for Covid-19. The 22 year old received a positive test result on April 3, 2020.
Speaking to us through a skype call interview, The young film director told us how he made a full recovery and, instead of letting the illness drag him down, he decided to use his experience to reach out to young people, like himself. “ What people take wrong sometimes is some conspiracy Perception but especially young people need to be reminded that COVID-19 does not just affect the elderly, as young people are also able to, not just contract the virus, but spread it”.
He further went ahead to urge everyone, especially the youth of today, to be socially responsible and keep in mind that not everyone has a strong immunity that can protect them. Alois Nathali has set an example in what steps to take if you are feeling unwell: self-isolate, and be tested as soon as possible.
“I think what people should know, especially young people like me, they shouldn’t make assumptions that they are strong, healthy and young and, ‘I can’t get this infection.’ Because, for me, that was the last thing I was thinking about, for me to be a victim of the virus. I just want them to know it could happen to anybody, if it happened to me. We just have to take the precautions. Stay home and maybe we can reduce the spread.”
The Beautiful Cracked smile Filmmaker Alois Nashali endeavours to use his talents and his platforms to communicate a strong and powerful message that speaks of his very personal experience with the virus. He hopes that it will give more young people something that they can relate with.
You can find out more about Alois Nashali on his Instagram page (www.instagram.com/thisisalois)