A new single by Daniel Di Angelo – Temptations

If you’re looking for a euphonious modern-day R&B song infused with soft vocals, genuine lyrics,…

AROCK and BPM Supreme: Cream of the Crop

Angel “AROCK” Castillo is a legend in the digital music space, having paved the way…

Online Education and Specialized Certification Programs – Skills Certification is the New Gold Standard says, George Mentz

Over the last 20 years, top certification bodies have advocated accredited university courses and assessment. …

Entrepreneur & Author Yashica Jalhotra talks about her bestselling book ‘21 laws to manifest the life you desire’

Yashica started her career as a journalist but is now one of the top mind…

Truitt Battin seen relaxing in California

The modern day magnificence hovering over Sunset strip got a special visiter this time. Croatian…

Values and Need of ISUC in this modern age

International Standard University Code: (ISUC) Which intended to use by educational activity institutions. hoping on…

SpaceX to launch 60 more Starlink satellites Tuesday

The Falcon 9 rocket booster that sent NASA astronauts to the International Space Station in…

Interview of Thelightarchitect

In 2020, where the world is dealing with a pandemic, many talented people appear and…

Guestio’s Travis Chappell on the Sacrifices of Entrepreneurship

What was the biggest sacrifice you’ve made to get to where you are today? The…

TikTok growth hacker Jonathan Maxim explains the top app marketing strategies in 2021

One of the most rapidly evolving industries unsurprisingly is tech. Some may think things get…