Avi Grondin: From the bottom to the top of the online marketing game

Everyone wants to be regarded as the best at what they do. Nothing is more satisfying than knowing you are the best, and having people also acknowledge that fact. When you are highly successful, and you know you made it happen with little or no help, you can always sit back, pour yourself a glass of wine, and tell yourself, “I am grateful for coming this far.” But no kind of success comes easy; one has to be ready to put in all the work and keep pushing despite your background. The success story always begins from nothing to something, and few people can tell that story better than Avi Grondin.

Who exactly is Avi Grondin?

Well, Avi Grondin was born in Santa Barbara, California, twenty-four years ago. He suffered a difficult childhood, having lost his dad when he was only two years old. With that tragic incident, his family was forced to move to Toronto, Canada, because there were more family members there. With this move, he obtained dual citizenship from both Canada and the USA. Avi Grondin faced a lot of hard challenges while growing up. His single mother tried all she could to make him a man from the little earnings she was getting. Sometimes, there was no food on the table, but Avi, his brother, and his mother had to persevere to the end. Growing up, all he wanted to do was help his mother, so that served as a source of inspiration and motivation to Avi. He wanted to help at a very young age, but he could not get a job. So he had to brace up for life’s challenges. He started to trade on Kijiji at a very tender age of 12. From there, he got another job as a salesman in different places until he finally landed a job at IBM. Being a very determined individual, he knew he would not be as successful as he wanted to help his mother if he kept working paid jobs. So he quit and started pursuing his dream to be CEO. He then started Vinicci Valet when he was at the age of 19, and that was the beginning of his success story. 

He always stresses that one should never give up on his or her dreams because he has been there before. His mom was able to get him into a good school, but that seemed to make matters worse. This was because he was one of the less privileged kids. Most people would have been depressed but not Avi. When Avi was asked what inspired him, he mentioned the fact that he drew inspiration from the people that are struggling to be a success like him. Tapping into their energy always gives him the drive, and it is no wonder he is always prone to help young entrepreneurs. He also drew inspiration from his mother, who, against all the odds, kept striving to make sure he had the best she could offer.

He saw his childhood struggles as a challenge to become wealthy. He confessed success, worked towards it, and now he is a success story.

To follow Avi Grondin’s journey and get first-hand info, click his covers on instagram, facebook and linkedin today!

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