Darshan Sankhala’s Rest of life Best of Life Motivating people for better life
- Entertainment
- December 5, 2019
Rest of Life Best of Life®️ is an independent Startup community of group of young and enthusiastic peoples who are working for the betterment of society.
The motto of our community is to spread happiness through motivational talks and seminars through length and breadth of the country.
You only live once, and life is tragically short. It’s easy to look at people who are happy and assume they don’t understand your pain. The older you get, the more you realize that happiness takes work. People who smile in public have been through every bit as much as people who cry, frown, scream, etc.
They just have the courage and strength to smile through it anyway. So how do you ensure you’re living life to the fullest? *The old saying that today is the first day of the rest of your life, is an aphorism without significance if you refuse to do anything different starting today.It doesn’t matter if today is New Year’s Day, your birthday, Friday the 13th or just plain Thursday, you can choose today to start living your life differently.*
We all want more in life. We want more happiness, more satisfaction, more confidence, more passion, more ways to help others, more ways to contribute…
Your life has the potential to be rich, full and rewarding in every way.
So many times, we don’t know what exactly we want. We don’t have a clear picture of our desired future in our mind. Clarity is power.
And, there are more and new challenges every day. There is more competition, more stress. The only way to make things easier is to become better, change yourself.However, it seems difficult to change if we don’t have the right information and tools. If we don’t see the right way then we keep banging our heads against the wall without knowing what to do. We don’t realize that our habits and beliefs are our driving force.
The good news? It’s possible to change your defeating habits and beliefs.
You can learn how to become stronger, more resourceful and more powerful than you ever thought possible.
You can set new goals and achieve them.
*The way to your happiness is Rest of life- Best of life*
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