DJ D-Rain expresses his concern over lifestyle post lockdown, says everything is uncertain at the moment

The coronavirus pandemic has affected the entire world on multiple levels. The uncertainties have harmed various sectors like hospitality, tourism and many more. Restaurant and clubs have suffered major losses thus creating employment issues for people across the nation.

DJ D-Rain, a well known and popular disco jockey from Pune who hasn’t done a single show for straight seven months, spoke at length about the life amidst and post the lockdown.

He says, “To be honest, I have no idea how the situation is going to be post lockdown. The year 2020 is full of surprises and everything is super uncertain as this moment. The worst and unpredictable has happened in the past 9 months. Anything and everything could happen. But one thing I’m sure about is that nothing is going to be how it used to be. Clubs won’t have the long queues outside, people waiting in the lobby area sipping their drinks, catching up with old mates and socialising. And even if that happens at some places, there is going to be a constant fear of getting infected. More than our self, one will be concerned about their parents and aged people back home. They wouldn’t want to risk others life just so they could have fun with their friends for 2-3 hours. This fun could cost them their loved one’s life and happiness. Just once I met my buddies a while ago after 6 months of staying indoors. We all just casually met at our house, ordered some snacks and chilled at home. It was good to be back with friends. I thought I needed to catch up to feel normal and alive. But I never had an idea of what its consequences were. The day I returned to my parents’ house, I was scared to death. Not for myself but for my parents and my grandmother who are all 50+. Though there were no symptoms I had to get myself tested because of course, there a thing called self-satisfaction. Once my tests came negative, only then I was relieved. I then realised those two days of fun wasn’t worth it because I was stressed the entire time since I got back home. So I think this fear is going to be there in everyone’s head no matter what happens”.

He further adds, “People used to come to our clubs to party, celebrate and dance together. I’m sure everyone will still come but I can’t imagine how all of us will be partying together anymore. College music festivals won’t be fun without dancing hand in hand with your friends, without sharing your food and making buddies go chug. Activities won’t be that fun anymore”.

Talking about the new normal, DJ D-Rain says, “People have already started accepting this new normal. It is difficult but it is important. A lot of businesses and industries have suffered. Even we artists have. We make money by living our passion. Looking at people enjoying together makes us happy and due to COVID, I can’t imagine how that is going to be possible anymore. Let’s just pray we come up with some kickass solution to living our lives the way we used to. Like there is no tomorrow. Partying and dancing our hearts out. Tripping on music and vibing with everyone like there is no tomorrow. Yes, I am scared too. But at the same time, I can’t wait to be on the decks and make people groove on my music. Let us all take maximum precautions and be together once again. Because YOLO- You Only Live Once”.

Derek Robins: