Dr. Marjan Assefi spreads more awareness on combating dengue

Leveraging the endless power of science and her passion for healthcare, the CEO of Marie Curie Science Research Center focuses on tackling dengue.

Amongst the many industries that have over the years only seen continuous growth with innumerable innovations, healthcare, and science are sectors that perhaps have seen the maximum. A global health pandemic and many other diseases and infections have led labs and organizations to carry out the necessary research, understand new viruses and diseases, and work on new and innovative approaches to combat them. Dengue, however, is a viral disease that has been there for years. Dr. Marjan Assefi, the CEO of Marie Curie Science Research Center, explains that it is a viral infection that spreads from mosquitoes to individuals and is more common in tropical and subtropical climates. She also mentions how most people who get dengue do not have any symptoms.

The senior lecturer, podcaster, author, and international speaker, and the brain behind her one-of-a-kind research center, who is known for her knowledge in nanotechnology, neuroscience, and medicine and her team’s extensive research in areas like science, medicine, healthcare, the economy, and global issues, says that leveraging the power of science, one can combat dengue fever.

She explains that dengue fever is a severe illness caused by the dengue virus, which is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. Though many don’t feel any symptoms, others may get a high fever, pain behind the eyes, severe headaches, rashes, muscle and joint pain, and bleeding tendencies. There is no specific antiviral treatment, and management primarily focuses on supportive care, making early diagnosis and prevention crucial.

Dr. Marjan Assefi’s innovative approach to combat dengue fever helps her integrate her medical and healthcare expertise to create advanced diagnostic tools and treatments. She and her team at her research center are working toward developing a highly sensitive and rapid diagnostic test for dengue to detect the virus with unprecedented accuracy, which will allow for early diagnosis, timely treatment, and reducing the risk of severe health complications.

Her research focuses on leveraging nanotechnology and medicine to enhance dengue treatment. Her targeted study also focuses on increasing the treatment’s efficacy while reducing side effects and offering patients a promising solution for dengue fever. Besides this, Dr. Marjan Assefi, who recently published her book, A Path to Inner Heaven, which is on science, healthcare, and personal well-being, is also committed to educating and empowering communities about varied diseases, illnesses, and infections. She disseminates vital information about varied health-related topics through her YouTube channel, public speaking engagements, and scientific books.

Under the Marie Curie Science Research Center, she ensures that collaboration among students, healthcare professionals, and scientists is fostered to develop practical solutions for addressing global health challenges. Teaching others about nanotechnology, neuroscience, and medicine, helping them do thorough research and publish papers, have bridged the gap between advanced scientific research and practical healthcare solutions, bringing her to the forefront.

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