Going Against All Odds – Croatian Student Makes Over $100,000 Per Month Dropshipping

Croatian Karlo Dundic achived huge entrepreneurial success in the online business space and all of that from Croatia, one of the European lowest-income country.

Research shows that an average Croatian makes about $500 to $800 per month. Croatia is located in Southeast Europe, sitting on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. sharing its borders with Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, and Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Hitting it harder below was when Croatia was listed as the fourth highest in youth unemployment rate in Europe. With only 23% of the youth being employed, Croatians look for other ways to earn money. While most educated Croatians leave to find and build a better future one stayed behind to change the way things work.

A 23 year old Karlo Dundic, with a Degree in Economics decided to carve his own path. Rather than leave his country he chose to stay and take on a more modern approach to make money. Right out of high school he started working and had a steady income by 19. When he found out about dropshipping he decides to invest all of his saving into it.

Today Karlo Dundic is one of the best in the world. This story wouldn’t be so unusual if Karlo wasn’t from Croatia.

Dropshipping is a common concept around the world, where you purchase things directly from the vendor and deliver them to buyers all around the world. Soon Karlo Dundic was determined to get started on this new adventure and begin to work on his e-commerce store. Unfortunately, there were many obstacles that Karlo encountered on his journey. He told us that he had full support from his family and his girlfriend.

“Yes, they are my biggest support and I wouldn’t have made here without them.”

How about other people?

“Well, a lot of people here can’t even understand  that you can make much more money working from your laptop than on usual eight hours job. That’s why I am planning on making my own course and start helping others to reach financial freedom. People need to understand that they will never be happy until they take a risk and change something in their lives.”

The main issue arose when he found out that Croatian Laws are not fully regulated around e-commerce business . Rolling the dice Karlo Dundic set up an LLC in England and started to invest all his savings in various marketing platforms. Starting with a Facebook and Instagram advertisement and other social media platforms.

Once the advertisements started to set in Karlo made $48’000 in sales.

“I really did’t have that high expectations, I was hoping on making 1,000$ a month” he said.

Today he has a number of stores generating more than $100,000 a month. Keeping up with a standard 30% profit margin Karlo Dundic has changed his life.

Today Karlo is teaching others how to build their own profitable dropshipping stores from scratch trough his mentorship. Anyone who is interested can contact him on his email: karlodundic77@gmail.com.

Karlo will also offer his full e-commerce course soon that will take his students through a process of how to launch a profitable dropshipping business from scratch.

“Course will be made in my domestic language because I want to help others from this region to change their lives” he said. Hopefully, Karlo Dundic will be caring a path for generations to come.

Maddison Brown: Maddison Brown is a freelance writer and a GOT fan. Apart from writing quality articles on vrious niches, she likes to read & write fiction. More than anything, she loves to spend her time with her family, explaining technologies to the elders.