Google Marketing Live Sees The Release of AI-Powered Advertising Solutions

Google held its yearly Google Marketing Live event in New York, where it unveiled new creative tools and ad experiences. In the near future, marketers can anticipate the following developments at Google.

Ad experience through search. Currently undergoing testing and scheduled for wider release later in the year, is one of the most creative updates to search. With the use of extra data that they voluntarily provide, this experience assists customers in making difficult purchasing decisions. When a user uploads images of their belongings, the engine can suggest a storage alternative with the appropriate proportions, for example, if they are seeking for a local facility.

This experience is initiated by a clearly marked paid ad that appears in a search result. It has a blue button that directs the user to another website where they can submit images or other content and receive recommendations.

profiles of brands. Google revealed that new brand profiles might be found via searches. The Google Merchant Center merchants’ information is used to create the profiles. The Business Profiles that people discover in Google Maps and search were the model for the profiles.

The company says that a brand or retailer is mentioned in over 40% of search queries related to shopping.

Creative controls for Performance Max. Advertisers will soon have the option to upload their brand guidelines—which include typeface, color schemes, and image reference points—to aid in the automatic creation of fresh, on-brand asset variations.

In February, advanced Gemini AI models were released. You can use Performance Max campaigns on any Google ad inventory.

Image manipulation. New image editing tools will be available to retailers advertising through Google Merchant Center. With the aid of Google AI, they will be able to experiment, adding new things to the advertisements and expanding the background to meet all sizes and forms.

By adding striking backgrounds and other components to these assets, these features hope to assist marketers in enhancing current creative in other ways or in introducing new items to existing creative. The brand is able to use the new assets not only on Google channels but on any digital platform that supports photos.

experiences with shopping ads. Soon, shopping advertisements will provide brand-new immersive experiences. These include virtual try-ons and 3D spinning advertisements. For example, advertisements for shoes will allow the product to rotate 360 degrees. Customers of all body shapes will be able to digitally try on clothes like shirts and sweaters thanks to virtual try-on, which will benefit clothing businesses.

Additionally, advertisers will be able to incorporate product videos, descriptions, and recommendations for related products within the ad format later in the year thanks to an even better user-driven experience.

While some of these capabilities were previously only available in organic search, they are now being added to advertisements.

Overview of Ads in AI. Google declared that it will start testing shopping and search advertisements in AI Overview.

This month, Gemini-powered AI overviews for searches were revealed. The experiences are already being made available in the United States and will shortly be offered in other nations as well.

Users are accessing a wider variety of more diverse websites as a result of AI Overviews, according to a blog post by vice president and general manager of ads Vidhya Srinivasan. Since AI Overviews are available, users are searching more and are happier with the outcomes, according to Srinivasan.

Google is providing solutions for at least two of the main ways that generative AI promises to transform our digital lives with these new tools and services. Users’ search methods will be altered by the genAI replies in AI Overview. They will be attempting to obtain the information they require by posing more in-depth queries and engaging in more reciprocal dialogue. Relevant advertising that are obviously marked as “sponsored” will appear when it is suitable.

Komal Patil: