Make an Effort Kenya Introduces The First Group of Nine Startups for The ScaleUp Initiative

The local branch of the global Endeavor organization, Endeavor Kenya, works to support entrepreneurs in scaling up more quickly by generating a multiplier effect that enables them to create vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems in emerging and underdeveloped markets.

In an effort to assist local startups in growing, the ScaleUp program makes use of knowledgeable mentors, in-depth business development training, financial assistance, and a robust peer network of high-impact business owners who have established and operated profitable enterprises.

Nine entrepreneurs from Kenya have been chosen to participate in the program’s first iteration, which will run over the course of the next six to twelve months. Through one-on-one mentoring meetings with mentors and entrepreneurs inside the Endeavor Kenya network, it offers a streamlined path to becoming a future Endeavor entrepreneur.

These include African Management Initiative (AMI), which provides useful tools and training to African businesses; Senga, a logistics and supply chain solution; ZenDawa, a B2B SaaS solution for the pharmacy industry; and Nakama-Tech, which offers creative business solutions to improve customer satisfaction, retention, and sales.

The following companies were also chosen: Pezesha, a collaborative digital platform that links SMEs with working capital; Satao, a company that has created innovative solutions for commercial bakeries; Shega, a company that provides curated data and intelligence to empower businesses with actionable insights; and Dial Afrika, a B2B SaaS omni-channel customer support tool.

The goal of ScaleUp, according to managing director of Endeavor Kenya Maryanne Ochola, is to help the startups that are chosen expand their businesses faster so they can take over as the next wave of Endeavor entrepreneurs.

“The Endeavor ScaleUp programme is crucial for companies in the growth stage. The programme will offer the selected entrepreneurs invaluable benefits by providing access to targeted training and development opportunities, focusing on leadership skills, business strategies, and innovative technology. They will have a chance to interact with experienced entrepreneurs who will help accelerate their entrepreneurial journey even as they advance to the next stage of their business growth,” she said.

Komal Patil: