Upcoming Entrepreneur Meharyar Khan is currently making an outstanding income compared to not only the average teenager, but the average Pakistani worker. He chooses to generate this money from the famous social media platform Instagram & Telegram where he’s managed to build up his own agency to drive traffic on Instagram using a fluid network. Not only that but Khan’s reputable business grants him trust in the community.

The 24 year old who started at 14 can happily boast of having the largest Instagram page out of anyone in Pakistan that has a massive Western audience.

There are lots and lots of teens/young adults out there trying to make it in the online game but Meharyar Khan has been in the game for a very long time. Therefore, he’s also very experienced with social media as he’s been doing it for an extensive period of time. While he’s aspiring to become an Entrepreneur Khan is a name that we’ll all be hearing very soon.

Given how young Meharyar still is right now, we are sure to see a lot more coming from this Instagrammer in the coming months and years. As the person with the largest following in Pakistan with regards to having a Western audience, Meharyar has figured out what content people around the world love and enjoy seeing more of.

Meharyar sees these growth methods still working today, and ones to consider using to grow an audience, especially for a theme page like his. He believes that if he started today, he could still become as successful as he is today with his theme pages, even if it would take some time.

You can check out Meharyar’s most popular Instagram theme page, Jokeshub, by heading over to @jokeshub and follow for funny memes. You can also follow his personal IG page @meharyar.

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