New competencies of a beauty specialist in the 21st century
- Business
- February 1, 2022
Today many companies are actively developing internal models of competencies for their employees. Many HR specialists get to think about which competencies are really needed in order to work effectively and achieve maximum results.
Let’s start with the definition of what a competency model is. A competency itself is characteristic or criteria that describes the quality of a human’s behavior in a certain activity. As a rule, there is some kind of ideal behavioral performance that lets a specialist achieve results and become effective in his activity. Accordingly, a competency model is a set of those types of competencies that are necessary for successful work completion. Why is it so important today to clearly understand this essential set of competencies? The world market is dramatically progressing, the needs are also growing and becoming more specific and focused. Robotic science leads to the situation where some of the processes done by a human can now be totally automatized. Therefore, the demand for mechanical human work disappears. That is why it is important today to have those skills and knowledge where you cannot be replaced by a machine. The speed of a market development doesn’t let you sit tight and know some particular thing. More and more companies pay special attention to the soft skills of their employees such as version and creative thinking, ambitiousness, ability to be result-oriented, customer-focused approach, communication, and presentation skills. It is now the reality that soft skills play even more important role than technical ones when recruiting for large companies. Thus, demand for constant development not only as a professional but as an individual is becoming global.
As to the beauty industry, there are some large lags in this direction. Unfortunately, there is no clear understanding of a competency model of a beauty specialist in this business. The modern world is demonstrating to us that those skills and abilities are no longer enough in order to perform one’s activity effectively. The beauty industry is one of the largest business areas these days. Accordingly, the need to create a well-defined competency model of a beauty specialist is as relevant as never before. A beauty master must clearly understand which set of skills and abilities he has to obtain to build his development path in order to achieve the best work results. After all, even one’s personal track of development should be built thoroughly and properly. It’s not the best way to grab onto everything in a row while losing much money and time.
I believe an effective beauty specialist must have the following core competencies:
Goal-setting. In any business or separate action, one has to understand its ultimate goal. It is impossible to plan any future without goal-setting because it defines your plan of action and expected results. There is actually no point in starting any movement without setting a goal first. And a successful career as a beauty master implies having this skill of goal-setting.
Planning. Each specialist must correctly plan his/her work. To avoid the loss of time and resources it is necessary to have basic knowledge of how to properly organize one’s activity and work with a large number of tasks. This skill will also help one not to burn down while achieving his goals. Success does not come to you, it’s you who have to know how to build your road to it.
Budgeting. It is important to know and understand your finances. I don’t mean everyone has to become a financial expert or economist, but the basics of budgeting are among the core skills for any specialist. Proper money management helps not only in professional but everyday life. Many beauty specialists suffer huge losses and often cannot reach a required level of income simply because they don’t understand how to manage this very money.
Promotion. Social media have opened up a huge opportunity for advertising and promotion. Today every beauty master can promote himself and his services and find new clients online without leaving home. The main problem is that many do not know how to use it. The knowledge of how this mechanism works is critical for any beauty master who wants to establish a constant flow of customers. To my mind, even an employed master who works for a salon (where the salon is responsible for providing clients) should be able to promote himself online.
Client-oriented approach. What is the right way to attract customers? How to generate interest and establish trust in potential clients? A modern specialist must know answers to these questions. Over time many masters switch to independent work and a client-oriented approach helps them to organize work in such a way that they are never left without clients.
Communication. This competency is very important because we develop communication with a large flow of people on a daily basis. Beauty specialists should not only know how to communicate to a client in a proper way but also how to present themselves to a client and behave correctly in certain situations. You are the face of your salon or your business and it depends on you how successful your interaction with your potential client will be.
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