The ecological incidents happening worldwide nowadays are under discussion as people start to care about the environment. Norilsk ecology has suffered from a massive fuel spill happened in the region and now this case is under investigation.
Some authorities keep blaming Nornickel for the tragedy that occurred in Norilsk, however, it has already been proven that the melting permafrost was the main cause of a diesel spill.
Norilsk Nickel pays attention to ecological issues and that is why it started to eliminate the consequences of the incident immediately. Moreover, Norilsk Nickel has asked ERM, the independent environmental company to conduct transparent research and find the real reasons for a spill.
The article will discuss the main ecological activities led by Norilsk Nickel and show that the industrial giant takes care of nature preservation on all levels.
Norilsk Ecology is Damaged by a Massive Fuel Spill. Norilsk Nickel and ERM are Investigating the Incident
As mentioned above, a massive fuel spill is a huge ecological catastrophe that had a bad impact on Norilsk ecology. Although Norilsk Nickel is not in charge of the incident, Nornickel has started clean-up works immediately in order not to waste precious time.

It has already collected a huge amount of leakage and it is estimated that the damage may cost about RUB21.4BN. Nornickel states that it is ready to cover all the expenses and provide full assistance in order to eliminate the consequences of a fuel spill.
However, Norilsk Nickel assumes that it is blamed for no reason and it wants to investigate this case properly not only for clearing its name but also for preventing such incidents in the future.
That is why Nornickel asked ERM, an international environmental specialist, to help with this case. It will provide an independent review and suggest possible measures that will help to avoid such ecological issues in the future.
Nornickel mentions that it wants to have a transparent and open investigation that will help to protect Norilsk ecology and contribute to nature preservation in the region.
It also notes that ERM has been chosen because:
- it is a big corporation with than 5,500 people in over 40 countries
- it provides high-quality consultations in the spheres of environment protection, health, safety, and risk consulting
- it has experience of working with top mining companies
However, even though the incident with a massive fuel spill is the major Nornickel’s concern now, it still continues working on other environmental projects in order to protect Norilsk ecology and preserve nature in regions of its operations.
Nornickels Ecological Projects and Main Activities Devoted to Nature Preservation
Nornickel pays special attention to the protection of water, air, biodiversity conservation as well as to the investigation of new ways of recycling and using waste for various purposes.
The main project that has a huge impact on the improvement of the Norilsk ecological situation is the Sulphur project. Nornickel has been working on it for several years and has already completed some of its goals as:
- Norilsk Plant shutdown
- the expansion of Nadezhda Plant
- upgrade of Talnakh Concentrator
- the total reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions in the Norilsk residential area by 30% and in the Polar Division by 15%
Nornickel keeps working on the Sulphur project mentioning that the level of reductions should be decreased by 90% by 2025.
It also participates in the reduction of a carbon footprint and that is why it has joined the forces with the international corporation, BASF. This draft will help to supply a battery market and will contribute to the development of both industrial giants.
In addition, Nornickel understands that the Arctic region is unique in its nature and it requires special attention. Having lots of natural resources and minerals, this region attracts lots of industrial corporations. But climate change and global warming change the atmosphere and cause the melting of permafrost. That is why it is essential to pay attention to all the alterations and take preventive measures in order to save Norilsk ecology and the environment of the region in general.
Nornickel has organized the great expedition the main aim of which is to:
- examine the region’s flora and fauna condition
- provide information about recent changes
- investigate the causes of a massive fuel spill
- provide recommendations for industrial producers
This expedition is divided into two main stages and the first one that was carried out on the field has already been completed. It let the leading scientist collect samples of soil, sediment, water, and plants and put them in the laboratories where they will be further investigated.
It is expected that the laboratory stage will contribute to a thorough examination of ecological issues in the Arctic region and help to develop the solutions that will contribute to sustainable development and nature preservation of the place.
Moreover, Nornickel plans to continue its eco-friendly policy by developing and implementing various projects devoted to environmental protection. For example, recently, it has participated in the releasing of 136000 grayling juveniles into the waters of the Yenisey River and helped to save the aquatic biodiversity of the region.
All in all, Norilsk ecology is under protection as Nornickel spends lots of time and money on solving ecological issues. It takes part in different environmental projects both locally and globally and does its utmost in order to eliminate the consequences of a massive fuel spill that happened in the region.
Nornickel does not only want to continue clean-up works but also mentions that it expects a thorough investigation of this ecological incident in order to take preventive measures and avoid such catastrophes in the future. Norilsk Nickel has asked the leading international organization, ERM, to help with this case. And while this investigation is ongoing, Nornickel keeps working on other projects the aim of which is to protect the unique region’s environment.