Portable, by Charlee Jeunehomme – The World’s First Triple Screen Extension For Laptops

Working conditions have changed drastically. Millions of people continue to partially work from outside traditional office space. It’s basically impossible to carry a 3-monitor setup from the office, everywhere you go.

For the past 10 years, we all have been looking for additional portable monitors to purchase. As it can make working on laptops a lot more easier. It will save us from that constant switching of tabs, which can be pretty annoying at times.

There may have been a few products in the past. But none of them are convenient enough to carry anywhere, especially in regard to their weight.

Luckily, Charlee Jeunehomme along with his two associates, Laurent Wéry and Thomas Castro have introduced ‘The Slide’ – the world’s first triple screen extension that transforms any laptop into a triple screen one, on a single USB cable.

In this article, we will discuss why The Slide by Portabl is uber-cool.

The Slide – How It Works And Key Features

An extremely unique patented sliding and rotating system consisting of monitors/screens for collaborative use.

One of the things that set Portabl apart from many other portable monitors for laptops, is its patented sliding and rotating system. The whole product is based on a custom aluminum hinge. In order to attach the device to a laptop, one only needs to clip the central piece of the triptych behind the laptop. It allows the user to easily slide and rotate the two display panels on both sides. And you’re good to go!

It’s pretty obvious that the founder, Charlee Jeunehomme, put a lot of thought behind the creation of this innovative device with Laurent Wéry and Thomas Castro. As it is the ONLY triple screen extension for laptops which is convenient to carry around. It is lightweight, flexible, efficient, and more mobile. Its unique stand holds the Slide firmly in place.

Key Features:

  • Display: IPS LCD full HD (1920×1080)
  • Size: The device can match any laptop, of any size.
  • Weight: Each Display Panel Weigh Between 50 To 100 Grams Depending on The Size
  • Total Weight: With Two Panels 400 Grams
  • Powered By One USB 3.0 Cable
  • Regular Finish Choices: High-Quality Rigid Plastic in Red, Tile, Green, Purple, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Black
  • Premium Finish Choices: Leather, Alcantara, and Aluminum
  • Limited Edition Finish Choices: Carbon Fiber, Full Grain Leather

Instagram account: @charlee.jeunehomme

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