Taina Haines photographed by Allan Gregorio – Model Spotlight/Interview

Interview/photography by Allan Gregorio / allangregorio.com

Taina Haines is a London based Brazilian influencer, visual merchandiser and model currently featured in campaigns for fashion brands Melissa and Stonefox. So far, Taina has been involved in a wide range of projects from acting to working with famous producers and artists.

Who is Taina Haines when no one is around?

Taina is a very stubborn person when no one is around

You’ve lived and worked in several countries/cities, which one is your favourite so far and why?

London, because it’s a massive place, it’s got everything and I never get bored of it. I always discover new things to do.

You are about to start studying acting. What would be your perfect role and a perfect movie partner?

Perfect role would be acting at my own age and skin, but can’t think of anyone to be my perfect partner. Maybe my own self.

Tell us about some of the most embarrassing moments you’ve had while modelling.

Once I had to do hard poses on a really busy street and I fell over in front of everyone.

What superpower would you like to have?

I’d love to fly and be up on the sky feeling all the freedom I’ve always dreamed of…

You are going to an uninhabited tropical island and you are allowed to take only three things with you. What would they be?

A blanket to get warm, a knife to protect myself and get some food, and someone not to be so lonely.

What makes you happy?

My family, friends and making my dreams come true.

What are the biggest differences between Brazilian and European women?

Brazilian women are far crazier in every way than European women.

What are the biggest differences between Brazilian and European men?

There aren’t any differences cause men are all the same

Who is Taina Haines at the age of 60?

Hopefully someone very wise, who’s had alotfun and knows a lot about life in general with a lot of pugs around.

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