The song is one of the most beautiful types of poetry music, but the song itself is a subset of poetry, and it is this songwriting that has given credit to the poem. The song itself is a style independent of other styles and is the best type of poetry formats Refreshing music with its special beauty is a tool for expressing political and social feelings and thoughts, and the song is actually rooted in the poem and follows a series of rules of the poem, but it alone has a clear definition. It is poetry and weight and in this respect it is very similar to poetry, but the main difference between poetry and song is that the song has an internal connection with music. Other major features of the song should be mentioned in its simple language. It forces the songwriter to write simply because the song is placed on the music and the song is heard by the singer; As a result, the whole mind of the listener does not understand the meaning of the song, but part of it pays attention to the music of the song and part of it pays attention to the singer’s voice. In our daily conversations we do not say “you have arrived” but we say: “you have arrived”, so in songwriting we should pay attention to the fact that folk language and literature should be the instrument of the songwriter, contrary to what most people think. I said that songwriting is more difficult than composing poetry.
A poet who does not yet know the name of musical instruments and does not understand the rhythm and harmony in music and is not even familiar with this art in general should not be satisfied with the song of his poem, the importance of combining poetry and song should not be forgotten, this combination The songwriter, the composer and the singer have to do it together
Incorporating social themes and imagery into a song’s lyrics is difficult if it wants to fit in well. Poetry does not go anywhere, although musicians and singers are not generally poets, except for a handful and the same handful have occasionally sung a song that is penetrating and lasting …
Distinction between song and lyrics:
Some mistakenly equate song with poetry, while poetry in both classical and free poetry is a mere literary event that conveys a feeling to the reader with the help of words and imagination, which in both classical and free styles is appropriate. And it has its own rules, but a song is a poem that is written with the aim of embracing music. The title of the song should also be used (like Hafez’s poems in traditional music), but the song is not limited to the poem.