What is a fire pump and classify a fire pump?

Sour bomb machine is an important equipment, indispensable in offices, apartments, large buildings … today. So what is a fire pump and what is its use? Let’s find out in today’s article!

What is a fire pump?

Fire pumps are also known by other names such as fire pumps, fire pumps, etc.

Fire pumps have many applications in life.

Fire pumps are an industrial pump that is part of a fire protection system. The specialized function of the product is to provide a constant amount of water and create pressure on the water system. This helps to extinguish the fire quickly and effectively.

Classification of fire pumps

There are many ways to classify a fire pump, but here are three easy ways to distinguish between the most popular and the most used.

1. Classification by materials used

Based on the materials supplied into the machine, it can be divided into: electric motor pump, gasoline engine pump, diesel engine pump ….

2. Classification of designs

Usually the fire pump will be designed in two ways: removable shaft type and integral shaft type.

3. Sort by move

There are two types: portable pumps and trailers (mainly gasoline engines).

Why should we use a fire pump?

Fire pumps are mandatory equipment in offices, apartments, buildings … today. Using a fire pump will help us put out the fire quickly and safely.

Fire pumps are recommended for use at government agencies.

Not only that, fire pumps are durable. Because the product is made of high quality materials. Users can safely use for a long time without worrying about rust or being affected by external forces.

During use, the fire pump also saves a lot of energy. That is also the reason that the product is highly recommended for use at government agencies.

Above are some of our share about the use of fire pumps and the reasons you should use them in your offices. If you want to use the product, please contact us for advice and support!


Thuan Hiep Thanh Co., Ltd

Address: 21/20 / 77-79 Le Cong Phep, An Lac Ward, Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City

Phone: (028) 6266 0466 – (028) 6268 9539 – (028) 3752 8877

Email: maybomhangphu@gmail.com

Website: https://maybomhangphu.com/may-bom-nuoc-chua-chay/

Lisa Miller: Contact Author